Friday, February 26, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Chiustream

Chiustream creature was a little slow tonight.... got a late start and didn't have anything to turn in on time. This was the result shortly after the cutoff though.

It was supposed to be a 2000 year old creature and it looks like I came up with a fat bearded cow with a face like a dumptruck... but there is always next time right??


Anonymous said...

It does look a little like that, but I still love it!

N8 said...

Thanks:)...... so you have returned to the blog I see. I was wondering if anyone would venture back in after being absent

KC said...

Dude! This one is awesome! I really like all the new stuff you've been posting. And the stuff on your website is all really nice, I love the new inked and painted stuff, you really hit your stride there. Nice!

N8 said...

Thanks KC! That means a lot coming from you my good man. Starting to gain momentum finally.... more to come!!


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